Again, not
that kind of weed. But I do have this strange addiction with weeds. The kind that are obvious, in your face, dead and in need of being pulled. Particularly with these plants.
As I went for a fun, superhero walk with my sweet daughter last week {superhero cape courtesy of her Mimi} and we happened upon this house that struck me.
EVERY single plant outside their house needed plucking!
It was so hard for me to not just pluck away at every single plant. {Wouldn't that have been a sight!}
Now, as I type this I realize that I sound super anal and you might think me house is completely neat and tidy all the time. 'Tis NOT the case. TRUST me. BUT, when I see something like this with these particular plants - plant after plant - my crazy neat-freak kicks in and I want to do something about it.
As I pulled into our driveway, I noticed that my front yard had three or four plants that had the same dead shoots jutting out of them so I went in for the attack. BUT, I was greeted by defense in the form of a super creepy, get-me-out-of-here spider like I'd never seen before.
Blurry because I wouldn't dare get too close to it as it might jump out and eat me! |
So, lesson learned. a) Keep my neat freak zaniness in check. b) Everyone has a reason for their actions - Could be neglect. Could be a preference. Could be creepy spiders. Who knows.
For now, I'll let my husband get to the plants this weekend {and will see if he reads my blog}. :)