I love Christmas wreaths on doors, but when I saw a cross made out of Christmas tree trimmings when we went to the Christmas tree farm, I knew I just had to make one!
Super simple, but a lovely way of remembering {and reminding others} of the real reason for Christmas. It's easy to forget when we are surrounded by Santa and pressured to buy gifts {often just for the sake of quantity not quality} at every turn of the head.
Merry CHRISTmas.
In case you didn't make it to the last
Stitch Market, it's now at Grace Church. Think: bigger venue... tons
more goodies to shop... munchies to eat... close to downtown so you can
come in after going out, or go out after coming in! Perfect for stopping
in on your break on Friday, too.
* 25 local vendors, almost all handmade goodies
* Grace Church, 1350 Osos Street, SLO {across from Mitchell Park}
* December 6th {Thursday} 5-10p; December 7th {Friday} 9a-2p
What's Cookie+Curly bringing, you ask?:
The Ever-Popular Vintage Flower Necklaces:

New Beaded & Stone Necklaces:
New Recycled Glass Adjustable Necklaces:
Fun Assortment of Rings, with new styles making their debut:
Pacifier Clips, upon request:
Fresh mobiles and new takes:

And of course, clips, earrings, and fabric cuff bracelets. Oh, and some new gold and silver jewelry. And that's just
Cookie+Curly's stuff!
Come and bring family {kids totally welcome}, friends {Girls' Night!},
neighbors and share some drinks, laughter, and shopping time with us!
Heck, share this link with your friends now and start planning your time together.
$1 at the door. We now have centralized checkout and accept cash, checks, and most major credit cards.
Can you come?? I hope so! RSVP
here or just show up. If you're receiving this, it means I truly do hope to see you!
P.S. According to the
Made in America Challenge,
the average American spends over $700 annually on holiday shopping. If
just $64 of this was spent on gifts made in USA, the economic impact
would equate to the creation of 200,000 American jobs. Come shop with